Hansaplast (Dutch brand) with 20% Urea or Eucerin UreaRepair Plus with 10% Urea. And 4 x rop
I also avoid those two ingredients. My skin loves silicones, glycerin, and coconut derivatives ++
I just use whatever regular moisturizer I am using and I layer plain white USP petrolatum over it+
I see a lot of potentially irritating ingredients in it. Ethylhexyl Methoxicinnamate, Parfum, rop
thanks, it's a Spanish brand (I think), Byphasse, r/o for ingredients >>>>>
2nd. Oh my goodness - yes! I'm not sure how similar or not to the UreaRepair, but I have tried the +
Eucerin Advanced & Intensive Repair Lotion; FAB KP Smoothing Body Lotion with 10% AHA. rop
Is there a body lotion that combined urea with an AHA?
I have the Eucerin Roughness Relief lotion. I love this line. Someone else posted that the rop ++
Is the site us.feelunique.com legitimate? I want to order a Eucerin face cream with urea. TIA.