I have it too - got much worse when I turned 40 + it took a few years for me to figure out what++
I always think your skin looks great + it sounds you have a good skincare regimen. A few thoughts:++
I used it for years and didn't have that reaction - you might be allergic to something in it++
I found it for around $200 ++
I’ve heard you can get topical ivermectin cream (what Soolantra is) as a generic
Thank you all so much for your input. My derm has an exclusive rosacea treatment which ++
azelaic acid (Azelex, Finacea), metronidazole (Metrogel, Noritate, others) and ivermectin are +
I've used the same basic program for years: Gentle cleansers; topical vitamin c/antioxidant >
My skin is so dry, dehydrated. I’ve always been super oily, acne prone but developed+
It is a treatment for Rosacea, the drug kills skin mites which +