How long have you been using Retin-A? Some mild peeling isn't uncommon in the adjustment period+
If your skin is fine with this strength and frequency stick with it. A higher strength/using more ro
Are you buffering/mixing with moisturizer? 0.05% is quite a high strength to start with and already+
Some mild peeling isn't uncommon in the adjustment period but it shouldn't be severe and/or last rop
I use Tretinoin Cream 0.02%, 3 x a week, mixed with some moisturizer. I've been using it for almost+
I just got a response from Dr. Jetske Ultee. There's good reason why protection against the sun rop
I started using Tretinoin Cream 0.02% almost 4.5 years ago. I noticed smoother skin within 6 weeks.+
Ahh, I see. Moisturising is key. Either by buffering or mixing with moisturizer. Any moisturizer rop
40 years?! and you still have irritation? It means it's way too strong for your skin to handle. rop
Retinoid irritation is caused by misusage/overusage or by the fact someone isn't able to tolerate ro