Well, technically Retin-A isn't an exfoliant but I use Tret Cream 3 x a week and also maybe once rop
No more Retin A what to use?
It's not the fault of the Retin-A. First of all you should never use old/expired products. Second ro
IMHO first of all you really need to find a better, more protective ss; regardless using retinoids +
Not in terms of efficacy; Retin-a is at least 10 x as effective as retinol. rop
2nd this. Specific "neck" creams are nonsense and $$$. My neck still looks smooth & tight (51).+
I just used Tret Cream 0.05% for the third time and thankfully no irritation or
Sorry, retinoids don't magically diminish wrinkles and fine lines. It's probably just they appear ro
Here's an informative thread on retinoids and specifically retinol products rop