Ethyl acetate remover. EA is one of the ingredients in thinner, so thinner+
I am also not on TeamScrubbyTub: I don't need to scrape anything off, not even glitter, and also I +
I’ve worn Anchor & Heart Mermaid Tears base coat for a week +
Can y’all do me a favour? I have some new bottles of Nailtiques Formula 2 ++
3rd! If they are in really bad shape, you could even start with Nailtiques 2 plus, then switch to ++
yep- even if it's just Nailtiques, there is always something on my nails, but if I'm wearing polish
Is Nailtiques 2 available to buy in America again? I know that production stopped +++
Ahhh why does this keep happening to me?? 😩
both naked except for Nailtiques on my tips. Couldn't get up the energy to do them today. The +
Same except I don’t like the glisten and glow TC, but I do rotate TC+