Yes—gold Listerine, tea tree oil, and Vick’s vaporub. I wasn’t being a very good scientist. ++
Oregano oil, echinacea drops, vitamins C, D and zinc. If I have a sore
Thanks for posting this article. I can't tolerate BPO at all. I keep ++
These. Keep them in the car, too. ++
HTH! I realized while reading that I'm having biofilm issues. Even my Listerine ++
I love this! My Gpa smelled of Listerine, English Leather, and Spearmint Trident. My Gma smelled of
When I was iittle my grandparents always smelled sweet and sort of antiseptic +
Cold FX, Oregano oil, zinc, vitamin C and D. Then I will either gargle with
Omg I had this for TWO ****ING MONTHS and it was