Please do not do this. Listerine would be a better option.
I looked it up real quick because I only knew of the ones that they use after brushing that tints +
Try listerine...there's more suggestions at peoplespharmacy. com
I also found gargling with Listerine helped too
This will sound weird but Neutrogena T-Sal diluted with a capful of original Listerine. ++
If you have really dry skin on your feet, is it possible you have a fungal infection? +
if you haven't tried these things --
3rd. My main go-to's are Epsom salt foot baths (couple times/wk) and Vicks VapoRub on ++
Nope. I tried every OTC product for years. 1 course of Lamasil cleared it up on every++
I’d drip the Listerine on after showering and drying off. Then in the AM+