Yes, makes sense. Humidity enhances curls. Sounds like you might need a leave-in or two?+
I love the Surratt one. Curls my lashes like none other
What are some reasons to get a curling wand vs iron? +
I’m loving AG Curl Trigger but damn, I’m going through it fast and it’s not cheap..rop
Decisions decisions about which salon - pls. r/o
Need recs for adjustable bench with squat rack and leg attachment r/o
Thanks! :)I only got a perm a very FEW times when I was younger and then stopped - r/o
Many years ago I used to just shampoo, period. However, when I had a perm, and later years - r/o
I tried it last night, but not all of what I am supposed to use. It has 20ml markers on the bottle+
Thanks!:) I never blow dry or have that done - r/o