A wonderful day for a bit of journalism on clean beauty (article inside) +++
Savon de Marseille users: I have a question about the blocks with crushed herbs +++
Do the semicured gel wraps you cure wear better than nail polish stickers? Or not?
I really like Essie GC Sheet Fantasy. For a little more work, I’m a big Zoya Gelie Cure fan
Does anyone use Pureology Strength Cure shampoo daily? Or is it+
I tried Gelie Cure and it only lasted 3 hours to 2 days before peeling off. I am a constant gel ++
The topic of peelable base coat for gel polish came up recently. Seems to defeat the purpose +
Those are my nails with Zoya Gelie Cure, no added color+
I may have brought this up before, so feel free to ignore. Do you sometimes prefer the "wrong" +
18 TV shows to check out in 2022.+