If it’s truly cystic, squeezing usually makes things worse + it will take even longer to resolve. ++
Of course YMMV applies, but what is a realistic expectation for reducing KP, keratosis pilaris? ++
Etude House SoonJung has been nice for my acne-prone skin. FWIW, +
Can any topicals speed up PIE marks or is it only time?
The oils that cause the rash can be tenacious and so it's important to make sure to remove those +
I’d say more sunscreen and good sun habits. That way skin gets a chance to repair itself. Not sure +
Interesting new brand. The products (only 2) look okay. Nothing that would make rush to the door+
I haven't noticed much difference with topicals, unfortunately. Sometimes I think that CosRx +
((((Oh no you poor thing)))) I’m sorry that happened - that does seem like a high strength if you++
Plus excellent daily ss, hats / shade and UV avoidance. Some other topicals are azelaic acid+