You were talking about oral supplements. But then you say it "still enjoys immense popularity"+++
Retinol is the gold standard when it comes to anti aging +
question about supplements for hair shedding that may cause acne? zinc/b complex or EPO OK?
It’s a great retinol product, but retinol won’t work on acne scars +
Depends what you mean by "effective skincare." Like any other topicals (not fillers or ++
many experts believe topicals won't do harm BUT there aren't complete+
I've not found any topical products that make a huge difference in either my baseline redness nor +
how long after putting on a BP leave on product should you wait before adding topicals? +
For me - Rx retinoid via Curology, Vitamin C serum, and really important - sunblock daily - r/o
Prescription stuff; hydroquinone/melquinol w/ or w/o tretinoin, +