
GliSODin Skin Nutrients Advanced Skin Brightening Formula reduces oxidative stress and inhibits the enzymatic process that leads to brown spots, promoting a brighter, clearer complexion. Key ingredients such as lycopene and CoQ10 assist in reducing damage from environmental stresses, hydrate and soothe the skin and even skin tone for a glowing complexion. The formula also assists in the regulation of sebum production to help minimize blemishes. Key Ingredients: Lycopene: A fat-soluble carotenoid without provitamin-A activity, which aids in reducing damaging effects of oxygen and light. Borage seed oil: A great source of omega-6 and the fatty acid GLA (Gamma-linolenic acid). Hydrates and soothes skin. CoQ10: Antioxidant properties that help protect the skin from ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). Lemon balm and hesperidin: Citrus bioflavonoids that help control skin tone.



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