Mark Ruffalo article.+
What is your current regime? Ok see you are using Aveda and some Kiehls+
I used to be into the a MAC counter puked all over me to look and rop
Interesting article about pellagra's link to schizophrenia - the usual sx is dermatitis+
I've been colouring my hair (DIY) for 35 years now and I'll keep doing so. Gray hair doesn't look +
I'm normal leaning dry with texture that enjoys hydrating, plumping bases++
This seems odd during pregnancy - especially if you aren't tunnel vision about baby, pregnancy, etc+
I bet it’s less common at a higher purity level, but I’ve definitely seen +++
My thoughts: all other things being equal (lighting, makeup, etc.) you could easily +++
Everyone should have issues with fragrance, especially "natural" fragrances which are irritants rop