Makeup wise, just mascara: Mineral Fusion Volumizing. Doesn't irritate my eyes, performs well. ++
Don't overdo it; you needn't respond with all barrels. I wouldn't do the Nizoral till you've tried +
Lavera Neutral products (NOT the "Basis" line, they are fragranced)
Sure! The oatmeal and honey waters are super easy to make and work well. Re aloe, ++
Here's what I do (and btw, there's NO guarantee that a derm/doc can properly diagnose ++
Here's my seb derm fighting regimen ++
First of all, even if you normally have no issues with these products, due to the bad ++
Yet, good consistent skincare is key. I do my washcloth compress, increasing moisture ++
I have very sensitive skin and had a severe bout of seborrheic dermatitis, here's what I did ++
Here you go ++