My skin does the same sort of thing, but Vaseline doesn't agree with my skin ++
Well, I couldn't go near it with a 10-foot pole, many irritating ingredients. But.... I'd be the ++
I have super sensitive skin, so I rotate/use a bunch of different moisturizers, for ++
Lavera Neutral Baby & Kinder Protection Cream
My neck is even more sensitive than my face. I rotate several creams, including ++
these are what I use when my skin is being super sensitive, I branch out a bit when it's better ++
Most of my Notepad is currently MIA, but see SD-specific info below...
I'm in the process of rebuilding my extensive Notepad; it currently has info on ++
possibly seborrheic dermatitis; it's a good idea to jump on this right away, it can ++
these are both very bland and rich without a lot of actives/irritants ++