I was rx'd clonazepam for anxiety and to help me sleep, and took it for 3 years, at 3mg/day+
There is another health food brand that is 100% witch hazel. Shelf life is 2 years and kept in the +
I returned home from my visit with my father last evening. It was good to see him ++
Some questions for those who have panic attacks rop
I LOVE being a mom (most of the time). I LOVE my two beautiful kids. But knowing what I know now
I received a "reconciliation letter" from my mother today. Not sure what to think. +++
As someone who's overcome emotional binge eating RO
That's just the thing, though - my daughter's diagnosis and behavoir is unlikely to change rop
I haven't seen any polishes with methyl acetate in their ingredients list. However I have +
I think my generation (55-65) of friends are aging pretty well. Most have the money