The company should at least match the contributions,IMO. I worked for a Fortune 500 r/o
I've used cognac and brandy. They can be absolutely delicious, but taste first to make sure it's
Since the bad day I have to force myself w/all my might to get out of
I feel this and it’s so exhausting. I made a holiday donation and am
So lush and lovely!
My mom had a pair of Vasque boots that she hadn't worn for over 15 years. Walked right out of
Yessss!!!! Now go have some fun and rest, too!
My body feels so beaten up today. I slept last night and didn't want to get up. Idk I feel like
We were asked to contribute to sponsoring a family for the holiday and I said $40 but....I really
aw, good to see there are no hard feelings. and there will be another horse who will love that job