The quality of this item is poor. Definitely cheaply made. This flat, bar shaped bath fizzer had an old lady perfume scent that was light and reminded me of violets. As a bath fizzer, this barely...
Zoella Beauty
The quality of this item is poor. Definitely cheaply made. This flat, bar shaped bath fizzer had an old lady perfume scent that was light and reminded me of violets. As a bath fizzer, this barely...
This was a novelty product for me. I had never seen a bath fizzer/bath bomb type product in a flat bar form. This was supposed to smell like a macaron but just had a very slight, sweet scent. As a...
This was a novelty product for me. I had never seen a bath fizzer/bath bomb type product in a flat bar form. This was supposed to smell like a macaron but just had a very slight, sweet scent. As a...