Hypersensitive/reactive/clog prone- Pomegranate seed oil. HG. I also cant use any of the things
Just a couple of amazing (and affordable) DS discoveries++
Hey y'all...it's been a hot minute! Hope everyone is doing well rop
Those are multi-chrome pigments which is what you need to purchase ++
Shopmissa.com is all cruelty free and almost everything is $1++
I went to school in central VA (JMU). A great day trip in nice weather is Skyline Drive. You could +
I recently got rid of 2 toxic friends. If any1 asks & u don't want to talk just say I haven't +
I’d recommend Japanese sunscreens if you haven’t tried them! None that I’ve tried
Bob Saget and what he is doing.+
As I understand it, an “essence” is the same as a toner and used as a first step++