I returned my mom’s Talking Book player and books today (Well almost) ++
If you want to combo feed, there are some strategies and sadly they aren't often documented ++
Y'all--I had a come to Jesus sort of night last night and I'd like some...help?+
If you like next to natural looking, YLBB, rosy brown l/s, you need +
Remember my crappy bitten nails? The turning point for me was oiling around the clock +
don't feel terrible posting about it -- you are by no means in the minority in feeling this way. +
Arpege was my first perfume, my parents brought it back from their European vacation when I was 6 ro
Use everyday. It'll go off if kept too long, so you might as well use it and enjoy it.
2nd. I already had a carrier, and it was 100% essential, so i would def get one. I ROP
I can't post a link because they took down my post + +