Haha! Well usually I am in agreement, but I kept on eating these!
I agree with this also. I love polyester for being super easy to r/o
In some cases I’ve thought I didn’t like the original until I smelled a well-kept bottle, so Idk
So I posted about how I keep getting bumps on my stomach. I think the main culprit was witch hazel+
Typically a demi. Even Goldwell Colorance which is an "acidic" toner made my hair break. T
Dang it! I kept waiting for a sale but couldn’t wait any longer to buy a birthday gift. Oh well.
Hmmm don't know if it is magnetic. (rop)
Yes, I went on Effexor and still taking it (maintenance dose). No side effects and no more rop
wow. this is so awful, those poor little boys. how do schools allow this? +
Update on the "crazy guy" at my son's school situation, in case anyone wants an update...r