Happy May! What sunscreen are you loving or testing right now?
Please can y'all critique my routine, wondering if my layering is correct/stable+
ultrasun is amazing protection. i'll look into the fluid, cuz the anti-ageing/anti-pigment one was+
Nice! Ultrasun ss are very good. Sadly I don't like the formulas for my skin but otherwise I'd use +
No. Also ss doesn't add up. Your moisturizer SPF22 or your fndt SPF21 is your only protection and ro
the ultrasun? i'll have to check that out
Ultrasun Face 50, or if you are not sesitive to olive oil the anti-pigmentation Face 50
I'm oily/ dehydrated/ acne and rosacea prone. Going from asian ss's, which are generally very+
2nd. Also LRP, Avene, Ultrasun. If you do a board search lots of specific options will come up and+
I'm not a ss guru, but from usage w/ these, I'd say the Ultrasun is most protective, followed by+