don't do a peel for redness - it will make redness worse. i'd also steer clear of peels for the+
Well, nothing in skin care is 'a must', it just depends on what someone wants to use +
pbi. My understanding is that the damage is cumulative. That is, the dark spots/freckles on your arm
For low exposure days: Kose Suncut UV Protect Essence; for ww kayaking, Mesoestetic SS stick
Oh, if you have La Roche Posay products available and accessible to you currently, I wouldn't bother
No, SPF 100 or other numbers is a real thing, many EU-made sunscreens are over SPF100 too, they +
As below: EU sunscreens, for example, Ducray Melascreen - great. And also, not just aggressive +
I prefer Paula's Choice C15 Booster for ascorbic acid, it has similar ingredients to +
Huge 2nd. And health over vanity/discomfort, always. You don't want skin cancer, premature aging rop
Not much. It’s not a thing that actually happens when sunscreen and makeup “cross paths” on skin +