That's exactly the problem I had with my skin for a few years until about a year ago. ++
Tysm. I like that it contains urea, but am looking for something cheaper.
What are your thoughts on the ingredients for Sebamed Extreme Dry Skin Relief Face Cream 5% Urea? +
I would use very mild cleanser as it is a dry skin condition. There are some urea-based r/o
Thank you! Yeah I'm in the US. Mustela shampoo has been great--let me see if there are any bath prod
I'd switch the soap out, just in case. If it's traditional soap then it's too alkaline +
Any suggestions for a moisturizer for keratosis pilaris on the backs of upper arms on a toddler? Goo
Most of them have some type of coconut ingredient. Generally things that start with coco+
I need thoughts on what might be breaking me out in cleansers ++
Anyone try the Malezia moisturizer below 👇🏻