I like the way my foundation looks after I use it. But yeah, in many ways it's impractical +
Am I the only one who hates the Beauty Blender? ++
When wearing bright clothing, either a more glam look OR a bright look (common in summer) ++
I have a few: Michael Markus (came across online, it's Amethyst, a deep plum); ++
Here's a simple technique for shimmers like that ++
Do you use a base under it, such as BB/CC cream or foundation? That's really the best ++
Plese see this (WINTER LIST)...I posted this list 2X it has many of my hair favorites. Rop++
Zote--laundry soap in a bar, find on laundry aisle at Walmart for a buck ++
Here's what I do: ++
Curved nails here too, and small ones! #TeamSkinnyBrush. Actually, it's control over the flare of +