Tiare, Hibiscuis, Palm, Lignum vitae, Monoï Oil, Surf Wax, Lime/ THE BEACH LIST...Rop++
no money so it becomes a "can't buy" jkjkjk but really that's a big factor, for me ++
I finally got a few VS body mists for the first time; they're as strong as some +
Just seeing this now. When I broke my hand, DH clamped a hair dryer to a towel rack so I could+
I have very fine wavy hair. I am a 2a. But with product and scrunching can get more. Here has is+
I’ve with 1017 below. I’ve accepted the hair “situation” but am always tweaking and++
r/o for mine - anyone else think llike me "Oh, not much this week" and ends up with a big list? :) >
I have done both. In the summer I just+
Maybe try to find a smoothing cream. I do not use these, I stick to curl creams like+++
Looking into the brand L'occitane. What's good as a first time buyer?