Olaplex 0 used together with Olaplex 3 saved my severely damaged breaking bleached hair++
Pot concealers usually offer the most opaque coverage. The trick for me is letting them ++
The 7 skins method has been a gamechanger for me.
I thought we had discussed this a couple of times and I suggested adjusting your method...Rop++
It’s more about the acetone that is drying. Plus water…
Are you pulling the color through to the ends? Or just touching up roots?++
Maybelline Super Stay Skin Tint: final thoughts++
Netflix Hulu Amazon Peacock Disney August 2023 releases+
I think clindamycin could be helpful but I don’t feel it
Not a particular 'poo, but method. I would precondition the ends with your conditioner first. Ears +