Has there been any changes in your skincare?++
I've recently started using Renee Rouleau Skin Recovery Lotion on my acne prone chin. +
More of a skincare question but this is my home board (also posted on SCB) ++
Recs for a patch of flaky skin that will just not go away? ++
For me, Tazorac .05% completely changed my skin. No more cystic acne!! I got lash extensions once +
What could I add to my routine that would help with acne scarring & redness but not interfere with +
GENTLE routine that won't aggravate my acne ....
Totally anecdotal, but Tazorac seemed to clear up two PIE marks +
I love that mascara, thanks for reminding me. I feel bad splurging
That's a good question! I wish I could've tried them out separately for a more scientific review+