supergoop everyday sunscreen
Supergoop everyday sunscreen discontinued?
The Supergoop could definitely be the culprit. I've taken Biosil before and had a really odd +
Please post ingredients. Looked at the Supergoop. It would make me break out. Shea butter jumps out.
Could supergoop Unseen be causing me breakouts? I introduce this and
I love the clear supergoop. Is there anything else like it with maybe better protection or less $? T
Thanks. I've actually tried both rop
PC Resist Super-Light Wrinkle Defense spf30 is 13% ZnO, a light cool tone in tint, and very nice+
It cosmetics cc mixed in w supergoop sunscreen is awesome
I really like the lightest color of the Supergoop cream eyeshadow although it's perhaps rop