I think it's classic and you aren't too old. For me, being a 34G, I feel like I wouldn't be r/o
If I had a slip dress I liked I'd probably pair with a leather bomber and heels and say to ++
Agree, I would wear a full slip under
Thank you both, I think a slip is a great idea. It's a sleeveless, V-neck gown, very light cream.
it would like creating a new dress, cheaper alternative is full slip or shapewear
I’ve added a sewn in slip for a skirt it was cheap but I think a dress will be much more bc of the +
I just bought a slip skirt and wondered the same!+
I wore the colourful retro dress if anyone wants to see :)
Thoughts on slip dresses? Just got a black silk one and it fits great, but I wonder if rop
I have this one from Amazon & really like it +