{Thinks hard} I was in my twenties back then. Sebamed Liquid Face & Body Wash (still use it), rop
Eucerin, A-Derma Exomega, Sebamed, LRP Lipikar. All liquid (never used bar "soaps" and never will;-)
Thanks; the Uriage Stick looks good. I also found this one (Louis Widmer) rop
N/D dehydrated skin with rosacea, atopic dermatitis, adult acne r/o
SebaMed Gentle Hydrating Cleanser -- normal/dry, ultrasensitive, atopic and rosacea
2nd. Same for my 85 y/o mother. We have been using Sebamed Face & Body Wash for over 35 years now.+
Switched up skincare this year for the better. r/o if interested
Don't know if it's fast absorbing enough for you but I use plain unscented baby (mineral) oil. rop
These ones are nice: +++
SebaMed Gentle Hydrating Cleanser. I have rosacea too.