Loaded question, because it really depends on what the mask does or is +
Eczema since birth (now age 64), and I don't do systemic drugs, so I've had to develop ++
Link inside! Very interesting about that combo. I found it hard to find silk lined masks
Cotton mask recommendation?
Soaking first, apply to damp skin and put on thin cotton socks and any thick cream will work.
might actually be a very mild yeast/fungal infection. I suffer malassezia (fungal acne) r/o
Just want to tell you here how helpful your notepad has been to me!++
Eczema post: I may found a combo that is working for my hands that is not a RX:
I'm having a hard time finding basic cotton tanks with +
It looks like a combo of dehydration and possible long-term irritation. Even if you ++