Don't. I have rosacea w/ oily clog prone skin, and if my rosacea is acting up and my skin is hurty+
Will be 48 this year and my skin is oily/dehydrated(at times) and is PICKY so I keep it very simple+
Here's what I do (and btw, there's NO guarantee that a derm/doc can properly diagnose ++
Here's my dry eyes writeup; especially look into the internal oils: ++
Here's my seb derm fighting regimen ++
First of all, even if you normally have no issues with these products, due to the bad ++
Could be the beginnings of dry eye/blepharitis.My #1 rec is washcloth compresses. ++
Consistency is key. I missed my washcloth compress night before last, and my eyes ++
Makeup, masks, dry skin, and acne: How I deal with the quarantine.+++
Based on this post, I figured out what the potential most I might spend at Sephora this year is+++