Hey meg! How's your little one? Wish I have a new ss to rec to you but nothing has changed in my+
Can anyone recommend a new moisturizer? I have used acne.org moisturizer for years+
Anyone successfully self tan their face while using retin A? I just started it two weeks ago... ++
Have you tried Skin Aqua Sarafit? It’s all I use now unless I run out and revert back to watery es
I have rosacea and thought the chemical ones were burning my eyes... ++
35 here, dry skin, some lines...Second the HG Veil. MUFE F&B and KGD Aqua don’t settle ...
Looking to refresh my skincare routine, any advice? r/o
Philosophy was doing a demo on QVC of their peeling gel, claiming what rubbed off...rop...
Have you tried Asian SS? Many cannot use chemical SS made in the US+
Interesting moisturizer. Disclaimer+++