My hair stinks after using a flat iron, and it doesn’t seem to matter what product I use+
I have purchased Korean and Japanese brands with no problems and even++
I love several, both with and without protein++
My hair is 100% white now and my faves for keeping it nice and bright ++
Redken Rootful 06 Root Lifting Spray, anyone with experience/thoughts?
Love the Roux Temporary rinses, which is a product my GRANDMA used to ++
I’m not a fan of tinted shampoos. They tend to over deposit tint on the ++
I also tried the redken and didn’t get the hype
I adore Redken Cleansing Cream! Wish I could use it every time I wash, but idk>>
Thank you. I tried the Redken Cleansing Cream (fail for me), so now I'll research the B&B.