Queen Helene

Queen Helene

Cocoa Butter Hand + Body Lotion
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2 years ago

I love this stuff I first got introduced to this when I was in beauty school we used it when doing facials for Practice. I love this stuff it is all-purpose I use it to take off my makeup, to shave wi...Read more

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Cholesterol Hair Conditioning Cream
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3 years ago

I heard from a great stylist that theis Cholesterol creme conditioner really works well to restore hair-I believe her and she has beautiful hair that was once damaged.I believe she always tells the tr...Read more

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Cucumber scented massage cream
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3 years ago

A cheap and cheerful product. Old school. Huge jar for little money - 15oz for about $5. Cucumber scented. I love the scent of this cream. The cream is very thick, rich and luscious. But I feel ...Read more

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Mint Julep Masque [DISCONTINUED]
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4 years ago

I like the minty scent but you can also smell the clays. This stuff will dry it up very quickly. It removes the blackheads and shrinks my pores as well. Also it's great as a spot treatment if you hav...Read more

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Mint Julep Masque [DISCONTINUED]
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4 years ago

I DID NOT KNOW THEY STILL MADE THIS DIVINE MASK! I used to use it in my teens. I remember as the mask was drying on my face little round balls of oil would seep through that is how great this product ...Read more

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Cocoa Butter Hand + Body Lotion
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4 years ago

It's the best lotion for my dry patches. Also my skin is pretty sensitive and this one works fine. My forever favorite body lotion! It also smells so sweet and pretty, but it's not overpowering and th...Read more

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Mint Julep Masque [DISCONTINUED]
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4 years ago

This is truly amazing. Super cheap, it really does help acne prone skin. It dries up my pimples pretty quickly. Nothing bad to mention about this mask. It perfectly clear my pores. I have extremely dr...Read more

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Mint Julep Natural Facial Scrub
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5 years ago

I didn't notice a difference in my skin. It once got into my eye and my eye was irritated for about 6 hours and it ruined my entire day. I will not repurchase,

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Mint Julep Masque [DISCONTINUED]
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5 years ago

Not for sensitive skin, but could possibly be used as a spot treatment.

Use this too frequently, & it will dry out your skin.

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Cocoa Butter Hand + Body Lotion
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5 years ago

I was a little skeptical of the fact that the package says this product is both a hand AND body lotion. I’ve never had much luck with lotion-consistency products for my hands because they generally do...Read more

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Mint Julep Masque [DISCONTINUED]
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5 years ago

This was my love in middle school and high school. I recently tracked it down because my skin has been extremely oily and it has made my skin look so nice and clear. My pores instantly look smaller af...Read more

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Mint Julep Masque [DISCONTINUED]
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5 years ago

It dry out my skin and I break out like crazy and this help nothing for my acnes. I don't feel that it can clear or moisturize my skin at all. I think this is can just be a usual nourishing, not a ma...Read more

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Mint Julep Masque [DISCONTINUED]
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6 years ago

I love this mask so much. It helps soothe my skin during rosacea flares and is great for breakouts. My skin was recently going through a serious purge after I started using a BHA serum again and this ...Read more

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Cocoa Butter Hand + Body Lotion
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6 years ago

for some reason i've never caught on to the concept of travel sizes (in spite of always being on the go) but the travel size aisle in my favorite grocery store is where i found this lotion. the two-ou...Read more

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Cocoa Butter Face and Body Creme
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6 years ago

Nostalgia factor is high for me, as we were tight for money growing up, and this little jar took care of dry hands and feet while smelling really good (like tropical coconut tanning oil). It’s so rich...Read more

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Aloe Vera Facial scrub
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6 years ago

Weird clingy thick rubbery jelly base with very fine, but very few scrubby pieces. Doesn't scrub, smooth or even clean. Makes my skin look and feel rougher, look more dull than before. Strongly fragra...Read more

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Aloe Vera Facial scrub
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6 years ago

Weird clingy thick rubbery jelly base with very fine, but very few scrubby pieces. Doesn't scrub, smooth or even clean. Makes my skin look and feel rougher, look more dull than before. Strongly fragra...Read more

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Cholesterol Hair Conditioning Cream
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6 years ago

One of my favorite winter deep conditioners for my natural 4c type hair. This stuff has the consistency of buttery toothpaste and smells of mineral oil but its a staple for me when the weather is cold...Read more

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Cocoa Butter Hand + Body Lotion
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6 years ago

For those with extremely dry skin, this lotion will not be moisturizing enough, despite what the bottle says. That may be because the fifth ingredient is sodium lauryl sulfate (not to be confused with...Read more

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Mint Julep Natural Facial Scrub
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6 years ago

I saw this scrub in sale at high street cosmetics shop for about 3 pounds. I have been using for few weeks and not seen much difference. It is just an ok scrub to use and is gentle, not harsh but also...Read more

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