I had to do multiple tca treatments with a q tip and my results were great
LOL at Retina Flakes for Breakfast! ;) ROP
Luca Turin book signing at Arielle Shoshana (my long report!)
It's the same stuff. QVC seems to call it one thing. Sephora another. HTH ++
I have a super nice blanket scarf from Target a few years back, and I just cannot figure out how
Try swabbing it with a bit of Clorox on a q tip, the rinse?
Outdoor Research makes down-filled mittens that are amazing.++
Finally found ELDW in my shade (2N2 Buff) at the CCO, excited to try it for 1st time, only $20! rop
Jude Law’s current role.+
Could you hold a credit card or a plastic spoon or something over your lid when you apply? ++