I did the THING a couple of years before lockdown. The entire top of my head was ++
Oh the ''new-new'' stuff is mostly disappointing because everything is supposed to be +
Any OG board members still around? Cocoa Pink is bringing back 80 disc scents this weekend rop
That is so kind of you to say. If I find something that works, I will post about it here. This +
You’re not alone in channeling this mantra—the more yellow the better! As a natural blonde +
As someone who used to do henna and whose sister still does... Nope, don't do it. It builds ++
According to my stylist, about half the population is sensitive or intolerant to coconut++
OK. I'm 66 and have had various skin issues over the years, starting with "eczema" as a baby. ++
It’s clear. My hair is white and it doesn’t affect it at all. Some oils do tho, you’re right+
Sometimes when dry hair doesn’t respond, it’s due to protein overload or ++