PS Creamy Sunshine, following up MadCherryLove's heads up a few days ago, loving it, thanks xx
Can you help me get the perfect housewarming gift for my friend? Sheets. What I want to find +
I'm somewhat of a WP mascara novice, I have a few questions >>
Potd ( sitting at salon for drying) Cirque Fire Opal love — NOTD still PS gloomy kitty & precipitati
I love Berry Blast! Have you tried PS Creamy Sunshine?
Since it has been that long, if you want to see if the there is still a measurable amount of virus++
Found this. I adore it too. +++++
hi. I don’t really have dark circles either BUT as I get older I’m getting blue/violet shadows++
Come on! He’s human and entitled to a life! He’s a PS not the Pope! Lighten up everyone!
Pbi, I recommend a nurse injector at a plastic surgeon’s office. They do it all day everyday+