I'm going to touch up the mascara I cried off earlier because I just received some good news >
Most of it is genetics. There are teenagers with bands around their necks. You also look slender. +
It was definitely uncomfortable at times (only local anesthesia) and obviously I am quite r/o
PS. I forgot to add that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was a life changer for me.
PS my theme for April is untrieds but I'm only doing a couple a week or so. And look what just arriv
I've rediscovered Maybelline Color Tattoo Creme de Rose + eyelid skin question >
When I need something like that I’ll get Xact. My PS is very experienced in it+
Thanks so much! Love Diry Hippie Oil! Do you find the scent on this really lingers (hoping).++
RELIGIOUS daily use of good spf is step#1. Nothing will work if you don't do that 1st. Ultrasun+
Maybe a dumb q, but will doctors actually prescribe Latisse for eyelash growth? ++