gel overlay and poshe
It’s fast drying, glossy, and doesn’t seem to get gloopy but I’m only at half a bottle
Poshe all day. But I think it’s harder to find nowadays
It's probably not your polish, you probably need a thicker top coat. I like Miracote by Duri, Seche+
Cute gato. When I over thinned my poshe top coat it would make an entire nail’s polish pop off in +
Hmm—Poshe AHA cuticle cream, I wonder if it would help.
Someone said that they wait until they have 2 G&G topcoat bottles that are half full and just +
Poshe cream plus mango mend on top at night
I used Poshe for a long time. I’ve switched to Seche Vive (not Vite), and I r/o