Lighting can be the key here. Dim, soft, cozy, multiple sources. Two styles come to my mind. ROP +++
Looking for a gentle, unfragranced body lotion/cream with Urea and/or LA and/or SA. rop
Congrats on your baby. I would just use a gentle bland cleanser like Cerave foaming (for normal-+
Here's some tips ++
Here's what I do (and btw, there's NO guarantee that a derm/doc can properly diagnose ++
Here's my seb derm fighting regimen ++
I have very sensitive skin and had a severe bout of seborrheic dermatitis, here's what I did ++
I had a seb derm incident and at first, it was confined to my ears. Spread to hairline, forehead ++
My hair is silvery white (tip: you can switch up the tone using different tinted++
It's seborrheic dermatitis, notoriously difficult to get rid of once and for all... ++