Two that I like are Skin Aqua Super Moisture Gel and Purito Centella Green Level Unscented.
Purito Unscented Sun, Tatcha Liquid Silk Canvas, Becca Corrector, GA Power Fabric, RBR Diaphanous
I'd say no to the Revolution, I like cosrx and purito,
Purito Centenella green level fragrance free spa 50++ / Hourglass veil + Milk Luminous blur stick+
That's so interesting. I have dehydrated/normal skin and it's pretty shiny on me, but I do live +
I use the Purito and find it pretty neutral--not shiny, not powder matte. Like a standard body
Purito Centella Green Level
Bold w/ Becca FOTD
I used both for years. ++