Recent amzn order is very confusing and I was signed up for Prime wo my consent rop
I had one removed years ago bc it was impacting my fertility. If treatment is less invasive, that ++
Facial oils are very YMMV; depending on your skintype and specific skin issues. rop
I’ve seen a lot of skin care “experts” say that eye cream is the biggest waste of $$++
My current nail status is number 1 - one stubby nail and 9 longer. It will be about 4 weeks before+
Great thread!+
It depends on what you want to accomplish, but a basic skincare routine is +
Any ideas on how to simultaneously lose baby weight while also supporting breastmilk supply? Ro
FDA doesn’t care about PPD, at least not on a regulatory level, so +++
I did some peptide research a year or so ago. there's a lot of them that are used in skincare.