When I washed my hair with nizoral, I’d let it rinse down to my face. That’s
I could write a book. I wash with an oatmeal cleanser from Rosacea Care. +
It does remind me of what I experienced last spring.
I have Fungal Acne. +
Wonder when I'll find mine in the U.S. nizoral is not working for me..
Need your advise - the skin on my forehead is getting thick and having wrinkles due to my SD. rop
Finally found a shampoo my crazy sensitive scalp likes (and the hair too) Neutrogena+
Well I used to have an Rx for Nizoral and a steroid lotion that I would apply to my scalp. After ++
yes he uses nizoral (SCB recc!) which works pretty good.Looking for an oil to condition his beard +
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