For persistent dandruffy scalp - neutrogena T-Sal, or Nizoral? - r/o
could be that one of your products is irritating you and you may need an anti acne routine that r/o
Plese see this (WINTER LIST)...I posted this list 2X it has many of my hair favorites. Rop++
Don't overdo it; you needn't respond with all barrels. I wouldn't do the Nizoral till you've tried +
Nizoral acive is Ketoconazole so might be overkill to use both. I have SD on face as well let us +
What prescription anti-fungal cream? Did provider say to also use Nizoral as well?
I was diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis on my face and given a prescription for an...
I ask because when I use moisturizing shampoos, or gentle shampoos, I can tell my scalp +
I think only a healthcare provider could give you a personalized diagnosis. I was diagnosed by a ++
Yes, baby shampoos and many others will