I like Mustela for babies (lotion) and Uriage Bariesun for kids (spray or milk, it's the same)
yes, i've been wearing mustela and it starts to run down the forehead and temples+
LRP Anthelios Ultra SPF50+ fragrance-free (Euro); Mustela Kids Very High Protection SPF50+; rop
you can find scented rosewater and orange blossom water, both food grade and cosmetic grade...r/
My youngest son came down, and then asked me what was the smell r/o p
yes, the PPD is only 25, dermo peds is much sturdier, better for high exposure i'm sure. +
Pbi but I bought the Mustela last summer and liked it but r/o
i'm really liking the Mustela. Much lighter than i expected but hydrating.
LRP Anthelios Ultra SPF50+ fragrance-free; Mustela Kids Very High Protection Cream/Lait rop
I like L'Erbolario and Mustela.