This is heartbreaking, and especially when a handful of the wealthiest in this country could +
The government is a huge disappointment :( I'm masking everywhere I go but sometimes
Nah. Go on with your bad self but it'd be a waste of money for me
Link to local immigrant aid groups. Use this list to donate time or money. ++
I don't want to think about the money I just spent on my dog sitter for 6 days of at home care.
no mock turtlenecks. keep my eye on what I have an only add or improve. Beware...
I was going to make this into a magnet but I am kicking myself
I was watching this really sad YouTuber who is a fast food worker. She is positive that as of r/o
If my package shows as delivered but not received and I'm advised to file a claim, +
Do you use Rakuten? It’s basically free money.