I think it would look nice with a minimalist clutch in metallic- maybe silver or copper. Love the+
Minimalist Baker’s lentil sloppy joe’s, The First Mess’s creamy cauliflower pasta Rop
Minimalist clothing style,good quality accessories,simpler make up,good skin care.
Barneys tote has arrived....really nice leather,and it has a top zip closure r/o
I think through the years my style has changed so much. While I tried to decorate
I got the minimalist. I have Punk'd and matte already, and I have all of them now that appeal to me!
I love getting stuff in the mail. But I'm a minimalist and trying to do Zero Waste +
Moving into new apt with wooden parquet floors. What should I buy to keep them clean?
Makeup breakdown +
I like Uniqlo for its minimalist style too