I have very sensitive skin and had a severe bout of seborrheic dermatitis, here's what I did ++
I had a seb derm incident and at first, it was confined to my ears. Spread to hairline, forehead ++
This sunscreen is super drying on me so I feel like maybe it’s making your skin too dry and causing
It's seborrheic dermatitis, notoriously difficult to get rid of once and for all... ++
Bibliophile's, here are some offerings you can really curl up with. **My (IN THE) LIBRARY LIST**
Ratzilla has marked it d/c on her blog, but I found this out via Reddit. I'm very sad about it. +
The best mascara(s) of all time?+++
off the top of my head ++
What are your favorite Korean products that you’ve tried? Mine: (Edit to add others)
Makeup only ++